Sponsorship – Donations
SUISHARE – Standing up for shareholders
SUISHARE is a not-for-profit subscriber-funded organisation that enhances, advocats, and safeguards the rights of shareholders. By liaising with, and influencing Switzerland’s largest companies, we are raising the standard of corporate governance and director accountability, and in consequence strengthening the economy.
As a not-for-profit organisation SUISHARE is mainly funded by subscriptions, and without the support of generous sponsors and benefactors we would not be able to continue our important work at the needed intensity and speed.
How to support SUISHARE
- shareholders can become individual subscribers (Full or Junior)
- Finance institutions and companies can become corporate members
- you can make a donation
- you can donate small share packages to SUISHARE
- you can advertise on our or website
We appreciate your support!
All donations are directed to establishing dedicated research initiatives, education and improved information resources.
An easy way to donate is via our donation gateway:

If you would like to discuss your interest in assisting SUISHARE through sponsoring or a donation please do make an initial contact with SUISHARE via email at donate [@ ] suishare.com. As soon as our offices are established, you will be able to telephone us.
Disposing of small share quantities
Do you hold small parcels of shares and want an alternative way to tidy up your portfolio? If so SUISHARE would be very appreciative if when you consider disposing of a small share parcel especially where sale price and the fees cancel out any significant gain, that you would consider donating these to SUISHARE. SUISHARE makes every share count, and the more influence we can gain, the closer we can get to reach the aims for all of our stakeholders, such as; education of share- and stakeholders and youth, ensure proper Corporate Governance, ensure safe and equitable work environments, investigate and prevent fraud, and take steps against mismanagement. The end result will be to boost the safe, innovative and successful Swiss economy in the present and for the future.
For any questions, please contact: donate [ @ ] suishare
Bequeathing your excess shares to us in your will
Please do consider, if you identify with our aims and objectives, bequeathing some of your shareholdings to SUISHARE. This gesture has proven its worth with other Shareholder Associations around the world. You can be assured that your shares will be put to sustained good use.
For any questions, please contact: donate [ @ ] suishare