Director Pool
SUISHARE urges higher competence and better gender diversity in companies at the Board level.
Companies can only be healthy if they are overseen by competent and ethical leaders. The start of the 21st century has seen dynamic forces of globalization, technology, demographics, and a difficult economic climate, converging to dramatically reshape the world of commerce. Going forward old style “not what you know but who you know” method of Board appointments is an inadequate basis for good oversight, compliance and governance.
Effective boards build capabilities within themselves and their organizations that allow them to both; protect existing assets (compliance role), as well as, manage threats to future growth (strategy oversight role). Board members need to know what is going on in the company. Given the complexity of today’s organizations, that is no simple or straightforward task. Today, board effectiveness is a key performance driver of companies.
Boards must move away from being a rubber stamp to being a strategic asset. They need to set the tone from top in promoting a transparent culture that promotes honesty, ethics and effective dialogues among the top executives, senior management, and staff.
SUISHARE in an oversight role, positioned between the board and operative company will enhance the Board by managing the dialogue and ensuring that Directors have the correct overview of company activities.
SUISHARE will through monitoring the economy and academia globally identify and maintain a global list of appropriate Board candidates, and make recommendations to companies. We aim particularly to promote a better gender balance on Boards, and our list of highly competent potential board members reflects such diversity. After more than 20 years of trying and not succeeding at gender balance, it clearly is time for boards and leaders to recognize and take serious action to engage a more diverse Board as the foundation for success over the long term. The ultimate winners will be the companies who identify and leverage all of the talent, innovation and ideas available to them.
In order to scope the widest population, and enrich the quality, variety and diversity of potential candidates across the globe we would additionally like to throw open the net to all our subscribers to allow them to nominate appropriate persons, that they believe to be qualified through, expertise, education and a strong moral compass to join the pool of eligible potential Directors.
Please send us an email with the name of the person you believe would be a perfect Board member, together with the person’s Curriculum Vitae, and we will add this into our database.
Email: director [ @ ]