SUISHARE welcomes motivated shareholders, who are concerned with the sustainability of the Swiss Market and Swiss economy, to assist SUISHARE with many important tasks. Primarily monitoring companies and particularly reporting back in writing to the SUISHARE website on AGM’s. We have seen the efforts of many individuals asking probing relevant questions at AGM’s and being brushed off. Together we can make all voices count.
Volunteer with us
Currently all the tasks done for the benefit of other share- and stakeholders is done by volunteers. They are the backbone of SUISHARE. Without them, the work we do would be even more difficult. If you’d like to be involved we value your commitment. Your energy, background and skills can make a real difference.
Email to: team [ @ ] suishare.com
Please tell us how & where you would like to help. Please include all your contact details and address
Company monitors are influencers in the economy
One of our hero’s is Mr. Harry Markopolos, who through his observation of and vigilance over Bernie Madoff realized that Bernie Madoff was actually running a massive Ponzi scheme. This is a prime example that indicates that without oversight, even from external parties, some people could get away with incredible crimes. SUISHARE goes a step further and is currently close to completion in a co-operation project for a next generation Artificial Intelligence fraud detection software that scans the web for relationships and anomalies. Volunteers can help evaluate analytics produced here.
We offer training that gives our volunteers and shareholders insight into companies that may not be following the appropriate standards:
- learn to detect and recognize warning signals.
- read between the lines of the Annual Report.
- improve personal investment skills.
Each year SUISHARE will aim to monitor the performance of around 200 companies. Members who volunteer to become company monitors are involved in:
- meeting company chairpersons, non-executive directors and executives of their allocated company.
- help SUISHARE formulate voting intentions.
- attending AGM’s and raising shareholder issues on behalf of members and shareholders.
- voting SUISHARE‘s proxy votes.
Become a Company Monitor
If you’re interested, please send us an email including the details below. We will be in touch to discuss you joining our company monitor team.
Email to: team [ @ ] suishare.com
Email content:
Addr (Dr. Mrs Mr.,etc) /Name / Address / City / Postcode
Phone / Email / Companies where you work – have worked / last position
Please tell us why you would like to be a company monitor.
The SUISHARE Culinary Corner.
Is there a correlation between how companies value their shareholders, and by the manner they are catered for on this once a year special day? We are incredibly fortunate to be in discussion with an expert to co-ordinate this aspect. Please send us an email if you would like to give a report on the catering offering at the AGM’s you will be attending. On the Culinary Corner you can see if we have a particular AGM already covered (we look for 2 people per AGM).
Email to: team [ @ ] suishare.com
Meeting conveners: Want to meet up with other shareholders? Why not start a group in your own area?
SUISHARE would like to motivate people in different locations in Switzerland to arrange meetings in their area of Switzerland. Members who volunteer to become a meeting convener can be involved in:
- sourcing presenters and planning the program.
- planning social activities.
- facilitating discussion groups on topics of interest.
- coordinating the activities of the local committee.
- promoting SUISHARE to the broader community.
Email to: team [ @ ] suishare.com
Writers: Put your skill for writing to good use!
We are in constant need of good articles concerning Swiss company themes for our website. We are excited to hear from members interested in providing their writing skills in French, German or English for:
- Business Storytelling.
- Rules & Regulations.
- Track, record, analyze and interpret company news.
- Voting intentions.
- General interest articles.
Please send us your article for reading to: team [ @ ] suishare.com
We would be most grateful for the support of practicing and retired lawyers who love the law and justice and serving the public good. There is an importance to making a real, moral and meaningful difference, that can change society, improve lives and the world for the better. SUISHARE needs legal expertise worldwide as unfortunately international companies may misbehave in far-away places. SUISHARE would very much appreciate lawyers for legal advice, liaison with state attorneys and as a pro-active force for alerting authorities to relevant misbehavior that SUISHARE cannot solve in any other way.
Travel Co-coordinators.
SUISHARE aims to make it simpler for interested shareholders to visit the AGM’s they would like to. As a travel coordinator you can assist in getting fellow shareholders to specific venues and easing the problems people have of being in a new and unfamiliar city. We aim to organise charter busses from the major Swiss cities to AGM locations. We would also like to leverage the fact that people may be in a new city and offer, after the AGM’s, city tours in addition to the AGM visit.
If you are interested to assist, please send us an email at: team [ @ ] suishare.com